Good morning Explorers ! I am starting my news letter a bit late this morning ,I decided to sleep in this morning . Yeah I need a recharge day .
Tropics are looking slower other than a small disturbance in the Caribbean Sea ,which at this time has a zero chance of forming in the next 48 hours into anything .In the next 7 days there is a 20% chance . We are also watching a Sahara dust plume coming off of Africa which will affect Florida and The Gulf Of Mexico . This event takes moisture from the air which lessens development of tropical disturbances and storms . These plumes usually happen in late June or early July and can affect areas around the globe .This dust can can irritate people who are respiratory sensitive .The best plan of action is to limit your time outside if possible.
As far as earthquakes ,well there have been a few 5s in the last 12 hours .
There has been a 5.0 on the Pacific Antarctic Ridge .It was 10 KM deep .It occurred on the oceanic spreading rift ,and Pacific Antarctic Transform plate boundary .This area spreads at 56 mm per year . This earthquake was about 1,523 miles from New Zealand .

There has been a 5.1 in Tonga it was 10 km deep ,near the Pacific Australian Convergent boundary and subduction zone .

There has been a 5.0 in the Falkland Islands ,it was 10 km deep .This earthquake occurred along the plate boundary for the South America Scotia Plate and subduction zone ,which moves at 9 mm per year.
The Falklands are 300 miles east of South America .There has been controversy around who discovered these Islands and at different times they have been Spanish ,British, French and Argentinian .In 2013 Falklanders voted to remain an overseas UK territory .There are around 3,662 people who live on the islands and the island is primarily native born people .The islands appear to have been made from continental crust fragments and not vulcanism .

The next was a 5.4 Off The East Coast Of Honshu Japan .This earthquake was 24 KM deep .This earthquake was a little bit away from the subduction zone which subducts at 46 mm per year and the Pacific Philippine Convergent boundary . When looking at the white line and green line where they split off ,that is the North America Philippine Transform Boundary which Ts off towards Japan .

This morning there has been a 4.9 earthquake on the outer side of the Pacific Cocos plate Transform Boundary ,near the turn for the Divergent boundary ,this earthquake is important to note as there was a 5.2 on the opposite side of the Cocos plate yesterday along with other activity on the Cocos plate .The Cocos plate is in motion .

As I am finishing my earthquake update a 3.0 earthquake is showing for Iceland it is 2 km deep. It is on the Eurasian North American Divergent Boundary ,an in-between two volcanic areas. One is Tjornes Fracture Zone(R), which is a submarine volcano and Kolbeinsey Ridge (L) submarine Volcano .
Tjornes Fracture Zone is also an oblique transform zone that separates the northern volcanic zone from the Kolbeinsey Ridge ,part of the Mid Atlantic Ridge of Northern Iceland .A submarine eruption was reported in 1867 at the southeast part of the fissure system.
In 1372 a volcanic eruption was reported from Kolbeinsey Ridge NW of Grimsey Island.

Yesterday Rapidan Dam in Minnesota partially failed due to flooding of the Blue Earth River with the river running around the sides of the dam . 40 counties have been affected with flooding ,several of which have declared states of emergency .Rapidan was built in 1910 as an energy source and repeated flooding has led to structural damage. This has also inhibited the dam ability to provide hydroelectricity .

I hope you all have enjoyed my newsletter for this morning . I hope you all have a great morning ,afternoon ,evening or night wherever you are in the world .